> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leo Bicknell [mailto:bickn...@ufp.org]
> Sent: 19 May 2011 14:10
> To: nanog
> Subject: Re: Had an idea - looking for a math buff to tell me if it's
> possible with today's technology.
> In a message written on Wed, May 18, 2011 at 09:52:22PM -0500, Brett
> Frankenberger wrote:
> > That will work.  Of course, the CPU usage will be overwhelming --
> > longer than the age of the universe to do a large file -- but,
> > theoretically, with enough CPU power, it will work.
> You have a different definition of "work" than I do.  If it can't
> finish before the universe ends I don't think it works. :)

You obviously do not read enough SciFi. By then (whenever then is)  sub 
picoseconds optical quantum computers will be able to solve such problems 
before you knew they were problems ;-)

Leigh Porter

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