On 11 mei 2011, at 19:01, George Bonser wrote:

> A couple of things you can do to check.  First of all look for requests
> to your DNS servers for AAAA records and note where those are coming
> from.

Firefox has for a long time done both A and AAAA lookups even if the system 
doesn't have IPv6. I believe MacOS does this too, now. Don't know about other 
apps/OSes, but for sure you'll see tons of AAAA lookups from people who have no 
IPv6 connectivity.

> Then note who is arriving
> over v6 asking for AAAA records.  Those are the best candidates for
> enabling v6 services.

Now you're counting DNS servers. Because the provisioning of IPv6 DNS addresses 
has been such a mess and still is problematic, many dual stack systems do this 
over IPv4. And the DNS servers they talk to may be IPv4-only, or IPv4-only 
users may talk to dual stack DNS servers.

In my opinion, looking at this kind of stuff in order to draw conclusions about 
what you should do is a waste of time. It just means more work for everyone and 
it doesn't fix any of the broken stuff that's out there.

If the results of world IPv6 day are as we expect and only 0.1 - 0.2 % or less 
of all people have problems, I think the best way forward would be to have a 
second world IPv6 day where we again enable IPv6 industry-wide but this time we 
don't turn it off again.

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