On Wed, 4 May 2011, Joe Greco wrote:
If you have a need for a 4-post rack, do not accomplish that by using 2 2-po= st racks. You will likely find that rack rails that are designed for a 4-pos= t rack will not fit.
Possibly, though you can usually order "universal" rails to fit tapped-hole racks. It's a hassle, and usually an unaccounted expense. And IME these rails aren't nearly as nice on your hands and sanity as the snap-in rails most server mfrs ship standard.
Get an open-frame 4-post rack. It will come unassembled.
I'd suggest getting an actual cabinet that you can order unassembled. I'm thinking specifically of the excellent CPI Megaframe cabinets. The only parts that don't knock down are the bases, tops, doors and sides - and you can carry those easily through the door. The uprights and braces are extruded aluminum, and then your actual mounting rails (in square hole, round punched, tapped threads, or any combination) are steel, bolted inside of those.
When we closed one datacenter and found we had to scrap 40 of these things (!!!) I took apart four and they all fit inside my normal-sized car. They were very easy to then carry down the winding narrow staircase to my basement. ;)
If you're very tight on space inside the room, you can get different door options, or just omit them entirely. This changes your thermal and acoustical management, but I'm guessing you already have some challenges there, if your door is any indication.
These CPI cabinets are not cheap, but they are very nice, can be carried through tight/low doorways in lightweight sections, and have considerable load ratings. 2000 pounds I think.
All that said, I have removed and disassembled door frames, ceilings, walls, whatever to deal with whatever issues where we couldn't take racks apart or otherwise spend our way through it. This doesn't work so well when you have concrete walls, welded doorframes, or unforgiving landlords. ;)
-- Jameel Akari