On 4/26/2011 12:11 PM, Brielle Bruns wrote:
> I've run a volunteer/free hosting service since 1997 or so - it never
> ceases to amaze me how people will complain about free things, but
> when you ask them to pony up a little monthly support its like you
> killed their puppy.  I just term people who are more of a hassle then
> they are worth.

I'm not complaining, but I would point out that if these free brokers
are the public face of IPv6 for many hobbyists (and much of the various
software run on/over the internet is written by volunteers, and/or given
away for free), we aren't going to get there.  The big deafening silence
from SIXXS is really unfortunate in that it does actively affect my
opinion of IPv6, my willingness to spend time implementing it, pestering
my upstream about it, or having my business give a damn about it.  Yes I
know they're volunteers, but how much does that matter?


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