Le mercredi 20 avril 2011 à 10:05 -0500, Richard A Steenbergen a écrit : > On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:30:44AM -0400, Jon Lewis wrote: > > On Wed, 20 Apr 2011, Bret Palsson wrote: > > > > > I submitted my objects April 11. the mtrner object needs to be > > > created by the db-admin. I realize this is a volunteer thing. Could > > > I help out or could the people that are helping out look at adding > > > my record? I need to setup some peering relationships. I'd prefer to > > > support open communities rather than paying and am willing to help > > > out if need be. > > > > If you're just getting started, it might make sense to look at another db. > > IIRC, RIPE's routing registry is free to use, supports md5crypt and > > PGP/GPG auth, and isn't a volunteer one-man show. > > One of the premises of AltDB is that no support is provided. For > example, a lot of people send email asking "how do I use this", and the > unfortunate answer has to be "sorry we can't help you". If you need > support, then by all means pay the money to someone like RADB and let > them help walk you through the process. Of course after the initial > mntner creation everything is pretty much automated anyways, so if you > know what you're doing AltDB provides a free method to maintain your IRR > entries with very little sacrificied over a commercial solution.
I believe that RIPE still provide training sessions (as well as quite extensive documentation), mailing lists, etc, etc mh > > There is infact more than 1 person volunteering for AltDB, but from what > I can see of this April 11th email, it falls into the "please provide > support" category. :) >