On Apr 20, 2011, at 3:50 03PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

> On Apr 20, 2011, at 11:25 AM, Doug Barton wrote:
>> On 04/20/2011 10:54, Brzozowski, John wrote:
>>> Doug,
>>> I am aware of the drafts you cited earlier, as Mikael mentions below the
>>> existence of the same will not result in 6to4 being turned off
>>> automatically or immediately.  This process will likely  take years.
>> I was going to let this go, but after so many responses in the same vein I 
>> feel compelled to clarify. *I personally* believe that the answer to 6to4 is 
>> to just turn it off. These things have long tails because we insist that 
>> they do, not because they have to. *However,* I am realistic enough to know 
>> that it isn't going to happen, regardless of how disappointed I may be about 
>> that. :)
> Turnning off the servers will not reduce the brokenness of 6to4, it will 
> increase it.
> The best way to get rid of 6to4 is to deploy native IPv6.
> The best way to improve 6to4 behavior until that time is to deploy more, not 
> less 6to4 relays.
> Hurricane Electric has proven this.
> Comcast has proven this.
> Every provider that has deployed more 6to4 relays has proven this.
>>> Please note the goal here is not to make 6to4 great, like many others we
>>> hope to see 6to4 use diminish over time.
>> "Hope is not a plan." Meanwhile, my main goal in posting was to make sure 
>> that to the extent that you(Comcast) intend to make changes to your 6to4 
>> infrastructure that you take into account the current thinking about that, 
>> and I'm very pleased to hear that you have.
> The best way to make 6to4 diminish has always been and still remains:
>       Deploy Native IPv6 Now.
> That's a plan and a necessity at this point, but, execution is still somewhat 
> lagging.

Of course, Comcast *is* deploying native IPv6; see, for example,
It just takes a while -- and a non-trivial number of zorkmids -- to
do things like replacing all of the non-v6 CPE.

                --Steve Bellovin, https://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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