At Sunflower, we use Ironports for our mail filtering. Have been really
happy with the product. The reason you explained is a reason we didn't go
with Barracuda.

On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Marc Runkel <> wrote:

> Ok, shameless plug here, but I invite you to check out our product @
><>.  Base product (including
> anti-spam) is free.   If you want support/web filtering/ or better spam
> rules they are available as premium add-ons.
> Marc Runkel
> Untangle, Inc.
> Director, Technical Operations
> (650) 425-3333 direct
> (650) 345-3788 fax
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 8:51 PM, John Palmer (NANOG Acct) wrote:
> OK, its been a year since my Barracuda subscription expired. The unit still
> stops some spam. I figured that I would go and see what
> they would do if I tried to renew my subscription EXACTLY one year after it
> expired. Would their renewal website say "Oh, you are at
> your anniversary date", and renew me for a year?
> No such luck: They want me to PAY FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR for which I did NOT
> receive service and then for the current (upcoming year).
> Sorry - I don't allow myself to be ripped off like that. Sorry Barracuda -
> you get no money from me and I'll tell everyone I know
> about this policy of yours.
> I posted an article about this unscrupulous practice on my blog last year
> at
> My question is - does anyone have any suggestions for another e-mail
> appliance like the Barracuda Spam Firewall that doesn't try to
> charge their customers for time not used. I should be able to shut off the
> unit for a year or whatever and simply renew from the
> point that I re-activate the unit instead of having to pay for back-years
> that I didn't use.
> Thanks

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