On Mar 15, 2011, at 6:27 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:

> On Mar 15, 2011, at 9:11 AM, Andrew Elliott wrote:
>> Looking for information on the current standard practices for charging 
>> customers 
>> for larger than default v4 assignments.
>> Especially with the rapidly depleting v4 space, how are SP's handling these 
>> requests?  Is it safe to assume customers requesting larger blocks are 
>> willing 
>> to pay a premium?
>> How much are SP's charging and what are the thresholds?  What are default 
>> allocations based on?  (ie: size of the circuit, type of product, etc...)
>> Are SP's requiring more strict justification for said assignments?
> "Larger than default"?  There are rules about allocating IP space, it has to 
> do with justification, not default sizes.
> Charging for them means you are likely a spammer or provider catering to 
> spammers, and lying on your justification forms.  Hopefully these types of 
> providers will go away as space gets tighter and justifications are 
> scrutinized more.
> -- 
> patrick
I'll point out that Comcast charges $5/month for a static IP on their business 

If you want more addresses, they charge even more.

This is not uncommon practice. I agree with you that it's undesirable, but, 
it's not uncommon
among the access networks.


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