Hello all,

The situation is still quite bad in north eastern area of Honshu
island where Sendai resides.
In Tokyo, we still have frequent aftershocks, but it's getting back to
normal gradually.

As of connectivity from Japan to overseas, IIJ is seeing several
international circuits going down.
Several cables, not only trans pacific but also intra Asian, seems to
be affected by the earthquake offshore of Japan.
You may encounter some congestion not only to Japan but also to Asia.

Thanks for you support.


Junichi Shimagami
Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
from Tokyo

2011/3/11 Dorian Kim <dor...@blackrose.org>:
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 07:29:29AM -0700, Garret Picchioni wrote:
>> Does anyone have any stats on route updates that might suggest the
>> possibility of fiber on the ocean floor being damaged?
> There are some submarine cable outages but I don't believe exact
> locations of damage has been isolated. I suspect that this may take
> some time.
> -dorian

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