--- sur...@mauigateway.com wrote: --- t...@americafree.tv wrote:
The tsunami was 1/2 meter in Kauai ------------------------------------------- The road to the west side is still closed at Hanapepe. No work today. Yipeee! :-) ----------------------------------------------- Also, no real damage: http://thegardenisland.com/news/local/article_6a515a9a-4bdb-11e0-a9b3-001cc4c03286.html "Doug Sears of the Grand Hyatt Kauai in Poipu told KHON around 3:30 a.m. that there was "nothing exciting yet." He reported a "non-event" and said a minor surge in the surf was observed. Reports around the island indicated only slight rises in water levels at coastal areas. A 2.1-foot rise was recorded at Nawiliwli Harbor; 2.8 feet in Hanalei, according to the National Weather Service. No damage was reported." scott