> My concern is trying to find a router (within our budget) that has room for > growth in the IPv6 routing space. When compared to the live table sizes that > the CIDR report and routeviews show, some can't handle current routing > tables, let alone years of growth. BGP tweaks may keep us going but I can't > see how 16k or fewer IPv6 routes on a router is going to be viable a few > years from now. > > Thank you, > Chris Enger >
Does anyone think that the IP6 routes will grow like IP4 routes have? With most organizations being granted IP6 /32's - e.g. something larger than they could ever use - wouldn't you expect the number of routes to be much much fewer than with today's IP4 setup where even small organizations often have multiple routes, and big organizations may have hundreds? When sizing routers, shouldn't we be looking at the number of expected ISPs (AS's) active on the Internet, within the anticipated lifetime of the router? If so, then the question becomes how many is that - 16k seems very shortsighted, 128k maybe overkill (at least, for now). We're currently at 37k AS's (http://www.cidr-report.org/as2.0/). So 64k IP6 routes would probably be the minimum that I would accept on a new single homed router. If I expected to act as a carrier, or participate in equal cost BGP routing on a multi-homed router, I'd need more. As IP6 adoption grows, and networks start to de-aggregate, 128K IP6 routes sound like a better number for the second or third revision of "IP6 ready" gear that would be purchased in 5+ years. --Blake