On 3/8/11 10:12 PM, Frank Bulk wrote:
> That's 1M IPv4 routes, IIRC.  Put IPv6 into the mix and that 1M quickly
> shrinks.


>>     I am researching possible replacements for our Internet edge
>> routers, and wanted to see what people could recommend for a smaller
>> chassis or fixed router that can handle current IPv4 routes and
>> transition into IPv6.  Currently we have Brocade NetIron 4802s pulling
>> full IPv4 routes plus a default route.  I've looked at Extreme,
>> Brocade, Cisco, and a few others.  Most range from 256k - 500k IPv4
> and
>> 4k - 16k IPv6 routes when CAM space is allocated for both.  The only
>> exception I've found so far is the Cisco ASR 1002, which can do 125k
> v6
>> along with 500k v4 routes at once.  I'm curious if any other vendors
>> have comparable products.

Mx80 Doesn't use CAM for route lookups and the actual number of routes
is 72MB of RLDRAM holds will vary based on the distribution of sizes but
it's north of 2 Million ipv4 routes.

> The NetIron XMR will get you 1,000,000 routes.

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