On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 02:43:38PM +0100, Phil Regnauld wrote:
>       (Cross posting to nanog, apologies if this is considered not 
> appropriate).
> Shepherd Magumo (shepherd) writes:
> > Good day,
> > 
> > I work for an ISP with own small AfriNIC IP block and ASN number and
> > recently received a second suspicious request for a huge IP address space
> > with server hosting solution and we are about to turn it down.
> > 
> > Below is the exact request and I am sure there is something dodge about this
> > request. Anybody else in ISP receive this?
> > 
> > We are looking for an IP address space of /17 and we would like to lease it
> > > for one complete year. Please quote us the price and if its something in
> > > our
> > > range, We will go ahead and purchase, Along with it do you provide
> > > dedicated
> > > servers and hosting services. Get back to me soon along with the requested
> > > details.
>       Hi Shepherd,
>       Without disclosing the sender of this mail, do you know where it's
>       originating from, region wise ?  The size looks a bit large to be a
>       legitimate request.  They might be probing the market to find a LIR
>       willing to go along with a scam.
>       As I see it, if you consider the ratio of available IPv4 space left in
>       the AfriNIC pool vs. the population in Africa, there is a temptation
>       for IPv4 hungry orgs. to acquire v4 space via front companies in Africa,
>       and announce it elsewhere - where the validation process for the
>       appropriate RIR would be more stringent.

        i received the -exact- text as well.  I offered a lease, at the usual
        terms, which was outside their range of acceptable cost.  the request
        came from outside the AFRInic service area....


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