On 2011-02-28, at 09:51, Nick Hilliard wrote:

> I will be a lot more sympathetic about listening to arguments / explanations 
> about this insanity the day that the IETF filters out arp and ipv4 packets 
> from the conference network and depends entirely on ipv6 for connectivity for 
> the entire conference.

It's hard to see v6-only networks as a viable, general-purpose solution to 
anything in the foreseeable future. I'm not sure why people keep fixating on 
that as an end goal. The future we ought to be working towards is a consistent, 
reliable, dual-stack environment. There's no point worrying about v6-only 
operations if we can't get dual-stack working reliably.

[I also find the knee-jerk "it's different from IPv4, the IETF is stupid" memes 
to be tiring. Identifying questionable design decisions with hindsight is 
hardly the exclusive domain of IPv6; there are tremendously more crufty 
workarounds in IPv4, and far more available hindsight. Complaining about IPv6 
because it's different from IPv4 doesn't get us anywhere.]


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