On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 16:07, Benson Schliesser <bens...@queuefull.net> wrote:

> Broken DNS will result in problems browsing the web.  That doesn't make it 
> accurate to claim that the web is broken, and it's particularly weak support 
> for claims that email would work better.

I don't think that's a great analogy. NAT444 is CGN, the web is not
DNS. If I say I can chop down a tree with a red ax, can you disprove
that by saying that you can chop it down with any color ax?

> Well, if your user does nothing but send email then perhaps even UUCP would 
> be good enough.  But for the rest of us, until IPv6 penetration reaches all 
> the content/services we care about, we need dual v4+v6 connectivity.

If we get dual v4+v6 connectivity quickly enough, we do not need LSN
(including NAT444).


> Cheers,
> -Benson


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