On Wed, 2 Feb 2011, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote: > > But there's so much wrong with DHCPv6 that trying to fix it is pretty > much useless, we need to abandon DHCP and start from scratch. Good thing > IPv6 works just fine without DHCPv6.
Yeah, no-one needs to dynamically find out their local recursive name server or NTP server or network boot server. Tony. -- f.anthony.n.finch <d...@dotat.at> http://dotat.at/ HUMBER THAMES DOVER WIGHT PORTLAND: NORTH BACKING WEST OR NORTHWEST, 5 TO 7, DECREASING 4 OR 5, OCCASIONALLY 6 LATER IN HUMBER AND THAMES. MODERATE OR ROUGH. RAIN THEN FAIR. GOOD.