In message <>, Iljitsch van Beijnum write s: > On 2 feb 2011, at 21:36, Lamar Owen wrote: > > > <put on op hat> > > What I want is to add an IPv6 subnet or subnets to my already tuned = > DHCP server config, add IPv6 addresses to the addresses handed out (in = > the same config clause as the IPv4 addresses are stored, preferably), = > update the DHCP server software to IPv6-capability, restart the DHCP = > server, and both IPv4 and IPv6 clients get what they need, through the = > same already locked down channels, with no other upgrades required. > > You can do that today. For instance, this is what I have in a test = > setup. (However, the ISC dhcpd can only do either v4 or v6, not both at = > the same time.)
Which is a limitation that we intend to address. It was more time sensitive to get a DHCPv6 server out there than a integrated DHCPv4/DHCPv6 server. No date has been set for this yet. > subnet6 2001:960:7bf:d::/64 > { > option 2001:1af8:2:5::2; > option dhcp6.domain-search ""; > range6 2001:960:7bf:d::1000 2001:960:7bf:d::1fff; > } Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: