On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Martin Millnert <milln...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here be dragons,
> It should be fairly obvious, by most recently what's going on in
> Egypt, why allowing a government to control the Internet is a Really
> Bad Idea.

how is the egypt thing related to rPKI?
How is the propsed rPKI work related to gov't control?

> architecturally/technologically *impossible* for a entity from country
> A to via-the-hierarchical-trust-model block a prefix assigned to some
> entity in country B, that is assigned by B's RIR and in full
> accordance with the RIR policies and in no breach of any contract.

countries do not have RIR's, countries have NIR's... regions have RIR's.

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