On Wed, 26 Jan 2011, Charles N Wyble wrote:

Do I just need to assign ip addresses to my servers, add AAAA records to
my DNS server and that's it? I'm running PowerDNS for DNS, Apache for
WWW. Postfix for SMTP.

Best to remove IP version dependencies in your configs.

If you are using name-based virtual hosting in Apache, convert:

  Listen a.b.c.d:80         ->  Listen 80
  <Virtualhost a.b.c.d:80>  ->  <Virtualhost *:80>

Use hard-coded IP addresses only where required for stuff like SSL-enabled webhosts.

In postfix just add to main.cf:

  inet_interfaces = all
  inet_protocols = all

And make sure your MX hostnames have AAAA RRs.

Antonio Querubin
e-mail/xmpp:  t...@lava.net

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