On 26/01/2011 20:22, Charles N Wyble wrote:
For the most part, I'm a data center/application administrator/content
provider kind of guy. As such, I want to provide all my web content over
ipv6, and support ipv6 SMTP.  What are folks doing in this regard?

Do I just need to assign ip addresses to my servers, add AAAA records to
my DNS server and that's it? I'm running PowerDNS for DNS, Apache for
WWW. Postfix for SMTP.

I haven't worked with Postfix recently but Exim on a default config will start talking IPv6 as soon as it has connectivity. Just be careful of this since you need to make sure that all your rDNS, SPF, etc ducks are in a row before you give it IPv6 since it can start delivering mail via IPv6 with very little encouragement.

With Apache I've had some funnies with how it binds (or fails) to IPv4 and IPv6 sockets at startup. Once you're over that hurdle I've found that the majority of open source web apps either support IPv6 or are designed correctly to not be impacted by other layers in the network stack.

Its important to keep a close eye on logs and also don't roll out to all your servers in one go. The gradual migration to dual stack has been fairly painless for me.

Graham Beneke

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