I saw that. I just wanted to do it in TCL so that it was completely self-contained and could be run like a command from IOS itself. It was mostly an exercise/challenge in scripting for myself, that yielded what I felt to be a useful product.
-----Original Message----- From: Suresh Ramasubramanian [mailto:ops.li...@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 6:20 PM To: Thomas Magill Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Update Spamhaus DROP list from Cisco CLI (TCL) Did you try this http://www.spamhaus.org/faq/answers.lasso?section=DROP%20FAQ#168 LInks to Marco d'Itri's "cisco tools" package - http://www.linux.it/~md/software/cisco-tools-0.2.tgz Pretty neat, can update bogons as well On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 7:34 AM, Thomas Magill <tmag...@providecommerce.com> wrote: > Previous conversations made me decide this would be fun to do so I ignored > all my real work today and made it happen. > > I built a TCL script that can be mapped to an alias ("alias exec updatedrop > tclsh updatedrop.tcl") that will connect to the Spamhaus DROP list and route > all of the prefixes to null0. It should alsbo be able to be mapped to a kron > job, but I haven't tested that and I've heard there are issues with kron+tcl > unless you tie it to an EEM event. It adds a name indicator > (Spamhaus_SBLXXXXX) to all of the routes to show that they come from the DROP > list. You can find the script at: > > http://tmagill.net/cisco_networking_ccie_studies/?p=83 > > There is also a script to remove all of the Spamhaus_SBLXXXXX null routes. > > If I were to redis these into BGP they could be propagated just like the > CYMRU Bogons... I plan on doing that within the next week and start testing. > Does anyone see that as a useful service to be offered? > > > Thomas Magill > Network Engineer > Office: (858) 909-3777 > Cell: (858) 869-9685 > tmag...@providecommerce.com<mailto:tmag...@providecommerce.com> > > provide-commerce > 4840 Eastgate Mall > San Diego, CA 92121 > > ProFlowers<http://www.proflowers.com/> | > redENVELOPE<http://www.redenvelope.com/> | Cherry Moon > Farms<http://www.cherrymoonfarms.com/> | Shari's > Berries<http://www.berries.com/> > > -- Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.li...@gmail.com)