Previous conversations made me decide this would be fun to do so I ignored all my real work today and made it happen.
I built a TCL script that can be mapped to an alias ("alias exec updatedrop tclsh updatedrop.tcl") that will connect to the Spamhaus DROP list and route all of the prefixes to null0. It should alsbo be able to be mapped to a kron job, but I haven't tested that and I've heard there are issues with kron+tcl unless you tie it to an EEM event. It adds a name indicator (Spamhaus_SBLXXXXX) to all of the routes to show that they come from the DROP list. You can find the script at: There is also a script to remove all of the Spamhaus_SBLXXXXX null routes. If I were to redis these into BGP they could be propagated just like the CYMRU Bogons... I plan on doing that within the next week and start testing. Does anyone see that as a useful service to be offered? Thomas Magill Network Engineer Office: (858) 909-3777 Cell: (858) 869-9685<> provide-commerce 4840 Eastgate Mall San Diego, CA 92121 ProFlowers<> | redENVELOPE<> | Cherry Moon Farms<> | Shari's Berries<>