On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 20:31:58 -0500, Jeffrey Lyon
<jeffrey.l...@blacklotus.net> wrote:
I've already stated that i'm having the server powered down. What else
do you people want?
That's a fine first step, but then tomorrow when everyone has forgotten
about all this, that server gets turned back on and the trash continues...
On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 20:48:28 -0500, Jeffrey Lyon
<jeffrey.l...@blacklotus.net> wrote:
I've listened to and acted on every single Spamhaus listing since the
founding of this company and all of a sudden in late 2010 a couple of
pharmacy spammers pick up a dedicated server, thus warranting full
blown witch trials on our company.
If that were true, then we clearly would not have had this mess on NANOG.
SBL lists are easy to find. And just as easy to understand. And yet we
have any entire day of this BS because you wouldn't pull the plug on a
customer. (as I read the thread, it's because you couldn't be bothered to
track down what customer(s) were at the root of it???)
I'd call it a comedy of errors, but nothing about it is funny.
PS: For the record, the only people I've ever seen publicly complain about
an SBL listing *ARE SPAMMERS*. You've done nothing today that changes
that perception.