On 12/01/11 4:28 PM, Jeroen van Aart wrote:
George Bonser wrote:
Awesome. It's good to know that there are still operations like that around. That is probably found more often in local providers and not so often in the big operations. The more community oriented providers would be much more accepting of such a situation than a large operation.

Community oriented provider, that's what I am talking about. I just couldn't find the right term.

but having someone "on call" probably isn't that bad if it is infrequently needed.

I'd be willing to pay extra for access after hours, either a recurring fee or on a case by case basis. I am not searching for the cheapest option and demanding that in addition my car be detailed weekly. But just some co-locating space for one or a few servers where I don't have to plan a week ahead or miss half a day of $dayjob in order to work on it (which would cost me more).

Scruz is ~30-45 minutes from the heart of the internet on the west coast (Silicon Valley). If your $dayjob isn't in scruz, then it's most likely IN Silicon Valley. So locate your 1U server in Silicon Valley, where there are a plethora of colos with varying costs and access options. I suggest looking at layer42 - the last time I did a RFQ for a 1U server, they had the best price and most robust colo (providers and peering, adequate cooling, backup power, etc.) over other providers (offering 1U services) in the SF Bay Area. Yes, if you have an outage at night you have a longer drive to the colo. But it does no you good to locate your server in a "closer" colo if you can't access it at night anyway!

From the colo provider's perspective, 1U clients are the least profitable clients. Setting them up and servicing them involves the most paperwork and communication "per dollar", and 1U clients tend to need more hand holding, ask stupid questions, etc. on average than bigger clients. To further complicate matters, 1U clients tend to be VERY cost conscious, so they don't want to pay what it really costs the colo to provide service to a 1U client (factoring in the sales time cost, the customer service time cost, etc.).


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