On 01/12/2011 03:44 PM, david raistrick wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011, Jeroen van Aart wrote:
>> I guess knowing who entered the building by means of a keycard and
>> having cameras isn't considered enough to deter potential "evil
>> doers". I know it's not enough for places like equinix, but that's of
>> a different caliber.
> Paying for 1u of colo justifys a keycard for you, cameras and keycard
> hardware for the facility?   you're paying what, 50-100$ a month, maybe
> less?   you realize that low prices comes at the cost of reduced services?

Having the infrastructure in place to support full cab customers already
and 24/7 remote hands, the cost of providing 24/7 access to smaller colo
customers is negligible.

We could issue a card to every single server one of our colo customers
for only the one-time cost of the card.  It doesn't make sense for most
single-server customers because a tech still has to go into the data
center, unlock the cabinet, fetch a crash cart, etc, so he might as well
let them in the front door.

I guess what you're saying holds true if the facility doesn't already
offer /anyone/ this access regardless of how much equipment and space
they have.

Kevin Stange
Chief Technology Officer
Steadfast Networks
Phone: 312-602-2689 ext. 203 | Fax: 312-602-2688 | Cell: 312-320-5867

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