Yes I did read the VPN document before posting to the group but it does not 
give any IP address information and the e-mail address within the document is 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Christopher Morrow
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 11:07 PM
To: Menerick, John
Cc: Ryan Finnesey;
Subject: Re: FAA - ASDI servers

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:50 PM, Menerick, John <> wrote:
> Every joke has a bit of truth.  For instance, until recently (last 10 
> years?), O'hare's traffic controllers relied upon vacuum tube technology to 
> perform their job.

yea, I was really referring to the ATC part of the FAA I suppose...
I'm not sure it's still true, but every time I hear it come up in conversation 
(I bet owen delong would actually know...or rs) there is a bit of:
 "Well, we could migrate to something NOT VT based, but that'd take 3+ years 
and ... we have other priorities and ... "

wash/rinse/repeat... On a serious note though:

(note this is the first hit in google searches for 'adsi server faa') seems to 
have all manner of information on it about the systems in question. They seem 
to mention VPN services, I suspect there isn't v6 access, I would have read the 
requirements doc, but they wanted to send it to me as a .doc file... uhm, this 
is the 21st century could we distribute this in some sort of cross-platform 
manner? like txt ? or pdf? (though I hesitate to suggest pdf, what with the 
adobe pwnage consistently ongoing these days)

(not a pilot, not even on tv)

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