In a message written on Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:18:25AM +0800, Adrian Chadd 
> On Mon, Dec 20, 2010, Aaron C. de Bruyn wrote:
> > When was the last time USPS delivered you a 100 pound UPS unit over night 
> > from across the country while letting you track it's progress?
> Trouble is, now they can't. Why? Because they'd be threatening the jobs of
> hard working Fedex/UPS/etc. employees.

It's crazier than you think.

Express, Priority, and First Class mail flies FedEx, and has since
2001.  I's part of a larger deal which is also why you now see a
FedEx drop box at every post office.

I guess it's coopertition.  I think I just made up a word. :)

So if it's illegal for you to put a letter inside a FedEx box,
what's the penalty for moving all the first class mail in a FedEx
airplane. :D

Oh yeah, FedEx can now deliver to APO and P.O. Boxes as well.

       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
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