On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 11:16:30AM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> So from about 1996 to 2000 we had competition.  They then figured out
> how to rig the system so there is no effective competition, and so far
> the government has been A-Ok with that.

You also miss the part about the capital markets being effective closed
after the bubble burst closing that window.  

> And yet, I don't know of any location in the US with two cable
> operators.  

Everywhere that had enough paying-humans-per fiber-mile, so primarily
the Northeast corridor (Metro DC through Metro Boston).  Parts of the
SF Bay, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Detroit... google "cable overbuilder"
(RCN, WOW and several others).  Nontrivial capital is required for the 
build-and-maintain of physical plant, so most all have shrunk since the 
bubble popping.



             RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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