On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 11:24:45AM -0500, Craig L Uebringer wrote:
> Yeah, the 30 day looks like a classic uptick in traffic toward the 
> holidays. Some bellhead beancounter maybe took out capacity in the 
> summer lull and ignored the engineers. Or they just have stupidly-slow 
> install intervals. Same crap I've seen on loads of provider networks.

Except that they seem to be busy actively turning down other capacity, 
and forcing extra traffic through their Tata ports by blocking other 
paths with BGP no-export communities.

For example, we've been observing Comcast turning down some of their 
Global Crossing capacity in recent days, causing new congestion during 
peak traffic times. I've even seen people contact the various NOCs 
involved, and they've been told explicitly and by multiple parties that 
Comcast is intentionally turning down extra capacity and running their 
existing ports hot.

Everybody who deals with interconnection capacity in this industry knows 
what's going on, but the graphs and interconnection details are all 
under NDA, so it takes an inside source secretly leaking graphs to the 
public to expose this kind of activity. Even then you'll still have 
people who claim that it proves nothing because the graphs can't be 
positively associated to a specific customer port, but realistically 
these kinds of leaks are probably the best public info you'll ever see.

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

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