On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:46 AM, JC Dill <jcdill.li...@gmail.com>

> We *really* don't need Homeland Security and TSA deciding that
> cyber-vandalism falls into the realm of terrorism and thus comes under their
> purview to "protect us against".  Their security theater at the airport is
> too much already, I can't begin to imagine how badly they could screw it up
> if they had a mandate to implement similar "protective" processes on the
> internet.
> jc
Now, we're getting to the original question.  If the Federal Govt decides
that state secrets and ability to conduct commerce raise this to the level
of a "global guerrilla war", we can all laugh it off for its absurity, but
I'm curious what architectural and operational decisions will be if we are
*ordered* to consider what options are available...  ..or... would it simply
be a NSA/DoD appliance that we're all required to place in-line....?...

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