On 10/12/10 8:08 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:
On Thursday, December 09, 2010 01:26:30 pm Dobbins, Roland wrote:
On Dec 10, 2010, at 1:19 AM, Michael Smith wrote:
"front lines of this "cyberwar"?
Warfare isn't the correct metaphor.
Espionage/covert action is the correct metaphor.
In reality DoS threats/execution of those threats/ 'pwning' / website vandalism
are all forms of terrorism.
No one was "terrorized" because they couldn't reach MasterCard or
because MasterCard's website was defaced. Vandalism doesn't even begin
to equate to terrorism. You demean everyone who has been impacted by
true terrorism by trying to equate these relatively trivial events with
the real events of terrorism.
We *really* don't need Homeland Security and TSA deciding that
cyber-vandalism falls into the realm of terrorism and thus comes under
their purview to "protect us against". Their security theater at the
airport is too much already, I can't begin to imagine how badly they
could screw it up if they had a mandate to implement similar
"protective" processes on the internet.