
Actually pretty useful for those who can't (won't) purchase gear to do it.
I use it..

Warren Bailey | RF Engineer
General Communication, Inc.
2550 Denali St. Suite 700
Anchorage, AK 99503
907.868.5911 desk
907.903.5410 mobile
907.947.7616 followme

On 11/30/10 5:59 PM, "James Hess" <mysi...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 2:41 PM, bill manning <bmann...@isi.edu> wrote:
>> 96 days left Martin?  Don't think we'll make it past January?
>> --bill
>I doubt whether or not there are more than 60 days left for the IANA pool.
>The number of addresses that remain for normal allocation happens to
>be identical
>to the approximate allocation size of a RIR request.  Surely APNIC
>will request 2 more /8s
>before  March, 2011,  particularly if IP address demands continue to
>be heightened,  APNIC's
>remaining pool can drop below their threshold in December.
>If they get 2 /8s, then , only 5 remain,  the final set of /8s where
>one is reserved for each RIR.
>I wonder if  the makers that VPN software program making unofficial
>use of
>will go fix their software now.
>"5/8 might never be allocated, because they are reserved,  and  'we
>can always go pick another reserved /8'"  are no longer excuses
>by any stretch of the imagination.

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