On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 2:41 PM, bill manning <bmann...@isi.edu> wrote:
> 96 days left Martin?  Don't think we'll make it past January?
> --bill

I doubt whether or not there are more than 60 days left for the IANA pool.
The number of addresses that remain for normal allocation happens to
be identical
to the approximate allocation size of a RIR request.  Surely APNIC
will request 2 more /8s
before  March, 2011,  particularly if IP address demands continue to
be heightened,  APNIC's
remaining pool can drop below their threshold in December.

If they get 2 /8s, then , only 5 remain,  the final set of /8s where
one is reserved for each RIR.

I wonder if  the makers that VPN software program making unofficial
use of
will go fix their software now.

"5/8 might never be allocated, because they are reserved,  and  'we
can always go pick another reserved /8'"  are no longer excuses
by any stretch of the imagination.


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