On Oct 19, 2010, at 5:21 AM, Tony Finch wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Oct 2010, Owen DeLong wrote:
>> There are advantages to being able to use 16 bits to build various forms
>> of hierarchical topology on a dynamic basis within a SOHO environment.
>> If we reduce that to 8 bits, we will block innovations that are
>> currently underway in this space.
> Can you give us some examples of these innovations that are currently
> underway?
I have, and, Tony Hain does a better job, but, here goes:

Imagine any or all of the following possibilities:

        Sensor networks within appliances with the appliance acting as a router
        Each home entertainment center is a collection of networked components
                with a router fronting each center.
        Kids networks with different filtration and security policies from 
those used by
                the adults in the house.
        Guest wireless networks.
        Groceries coming with RFID tags that your refrigerator and cabinets can 
                to identify their contents. A web server embedded in your 
kitchen router
                that fronts these networks can be queried from your cell phone 
while you
                are at the store to find out what you are running low on in 
real time.

I'm sure there are more, but, these are things that could be done relatively 
with existing technology.


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