On 10/18/2010 14:39, Doug Barton wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Oct 2010, Owen DeLong wrote:
>> I think it's generally a bad idea. /48 is the design architecture for
>> IPv6. It allows for significant innovation in the SOHO arena that we
>> haven't accounted for in some of our current thinking.
> Q:    Why are /48s everywhere a good idea?
> A:    Because it's the design!
> Q:    Why are /48s everywhere in the design?
> A?    Because it's a good idea!
> This kind of crap is one of the reasons people get frustrated with IPv6
> zealotry. If people are actually interested in deploying IPv6 then by
> all means, STOP BITCHING AT THEM ABOUT HOW THEY DO IT. Problems like the
> wrong allocation to end users are fixable, especially given that the
> vast majority of end user assignments are dynamic in the first place.

Dynamic under IPv4, that is. It could be argued that IPv6 brings back
the ability to go static everywhere again.


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