On Sat, 16 Oct 2010, Ken Gilmour wrote:

We are looking at urgently deploying an outsourced DNS provider for a
critical domain which is currently unavailable but are having some
difficulty. I've tried contacting UltraDNS who only allow customers from US
/ Canada to sign up (we are in Malta) and their Sales dept are closed, and
Easy DNS who don't have .com.mt as an option in the dropdown for
transferring domain names (and also support is closed).

 Just throwing my hat in the ring.  DNSmadeEasy has handled my DNS traffic,
 both personal and professional, for several years with an uptime of
 99.9999%* over 8 years of service (I've been with them for at least 4).

 Very honest, very responsive, great service, and very good pricing for an
 Enterprise Anycasted DNS network.


* They were DDOSed recently with an enormous amount of traffic.  First
outage in their 8 year history. www.dnsmadeeasy.com

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/

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