
I have been following this thread, and am mostly curious - can somebody (or 
preferably several folks) define what is meant by 'Enterprise DNS' ?


- Mike

On Oct 16, 2010, at 3:03 AM, Ken Gilmour wrote:

> Hello any weekend workers :)
> We are looking at urgently deploying an outsourced DNS provider for a
> critical domain which is currently unavailable but are having some
> difficulty. I've tried contacting UltraDNS who only allow customers from US
> / Canada to sign up (we are in Malta) and their Sales dept are closed, and
> Easy DNS who don't have .com.mt as an option in the dropdown for
> transferring domain names (and also support is closed).
> Black Lotus looks like the next best contender, has anyone had experience
> with these or any other recommendations for how we can transfer a .com.mt to
> a reliable hosting provider during the weekend?
> Thanks!
> Ken

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