On 10/6/2010 5:05 PM, david raistrick wrote:
> to be clear, I could give a damn about if we talk about this on nanog
> or not. (and I agree that outages is the right place to announce
> outages, and outage-discuss to discuss them).
> my point is that facebook has moved beyond being a pure content
> provider, and (much like, say, google) provide both content AND
> service.   I have dependancies on facebook's (as do many many others
> who perhaps dont yet hire folks who even know what nanog is but
> someday will) services. without them, my teams can't work and my
> employeer loses signiicant figures of revenue per day.
> so facebook is very much operationally relevant for my network, and
> that these mixed content/service providers will be more and more
> relevant as time goes on and we as a community should figure out how
> to deal with their transition from pure content to perhaps some day
> pure service.

My company buys firearms, so I am going to start posting to nanog every
time my service providers go down (Springfield Armory, Rock River Arms,
Volkmann Custom, and Benelli).  Certainly they're a website, but without
that website I can't order the firearms which costs me significant
figures of revenue per day.
Perhaps your company buys widgets of some sort?

That is not however a core networking issue.  Facebook outages may be
important to your company, and I do some business on there as well, but
NANOG is not a list where non-bandwidth vendor outages should be
reported.  (unless you like guns too!)


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