There's some standardization work being done in the IETF ALTO working group. They're looking at ways ISPs can inform P2P clints about which peers are "better", I.e., topologically nearby.
I'm less familiar with DECADE, but I believe they're working on more directly cache-related stuff. On Sep 25, 2010 4:44 PM, "Matthew Walster" <> wrote: On 25 September 2010 21:16, Rodrick Brown <> wrote: > I think most people are... <snip> I once read an article talking about making BitTorrent scalable by using anycasted caching services at the ISP's closest POP to the end user. Given sufficient traffic on a specified torrent, the caching device would build up the file, then distribute that direct to the subscriber in the form of an additional (preferred) peer. Similar to a CDN or Usenet, but where it was cached rather than deliberately pushed out from a locus. Was anything ever standardised in that field? I imagine with much of P2P traffic being (how shall I put this...) less than legal, it's of questionable legality and the ISPs would not want to be held liable for the content cached there? M