On 25 September 2010 21:16, Rodrick Brown <rodrick.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think most people are aware that the Blizzard "World of WarcCraft" patcher
> distributes files through Bittorrent,


I once read an article talking about making BitTorrent scalable by
using anycasted caching services at the ISP's closest POP to the end
user. Given sufficient traffic on a specified torrent, the caching
device would build up the file, then distribute that direct to the
subscriber in the form of an additional (preferred) peer. Similar to a
CDN or Usenet, but where it was cached rather than deliberately pushed
out from a locus.

Was anything ever standardised in that field? I imagine with much of
P2P traffic being (how shall I put this...) less than legal, it's of
questionable legality and the ISPs would not want to be held liable
for the content cached there?


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