On Aug 15, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

>> Also, your emphasis above ("_that are not currently being utilized_"),
>> pointed our we need to clarify that it should include "all resources, 
>> including those not currently being utilized", i.e. the phrase wasn't 
>> intended to exclude *utilized* resources from "ARIN will take no action" 
>> clause.  I will have that fixed on the next version of the LRSA.
> but john, should you not run the change through the policy process?

Randy - The language "ARIN will take no action to reduce the services 
provided for Included Number Resources that are not currently being 
utilized by the Legacy Applicant" was stated in plain language to 
make clear the representation ARIN was making to the LRSA applicant.
That representation is intended for all included resources, not just 
unused, so the language should be corrected to the benefit of Legacy 
holders. Your discourse is often thought provoking, informative, and 
even colorful, but I'll not let it be to the general detriment of the 
community.   If a new LRSA signatory really wants the old language 
with a weaker promise from ARIN, we'll readily accommodate them then.


John Curran
President and CEO

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