On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 04:18:01PM -0500, Dan White said: >Make a public example of the situation. Assign such a block to an ARIN >member with extensive legal resources who's willing to send some nasty >letters out, and back it up with court action to establish legal >precedence. > >Or ARIN could do so itself on the grounds of breach of contract. > >Of course, said block should clearly fall within ARIN's domain, backed up >with a signed contract from the original party.
Many of these outfits already have cashflow issue - suing them into the ground when they're already underwater is probably a cash-losing situation for ARIN. And I bet other orgs who are in good financial standing dont want to fund a suit against a judgement-proof org and lose money pushing lawyers around just for fun - not until IPs are worth $10+/IP/month at least, anyway. Then the lawsuits might be worth the investment. Pretty awesome: I see a new industry forming: IP REPO MEN. (Dont know if we can cast Emilio Estevez in th movie version, he's a bit too old now...) /kc -- Ken Chase - k...@heavycomputing.ca - +1 416 897 6284 - Toronto CANADA Heavy Computing - Clued bandwidth, colocation and managed linux VPS @151 Front St. W.