We have something very similar. We have 2 x 7204VXR/NPE-G1 with 1GB RAM  each 
with a 50Mb connection to an upstream provider with full routes. No cpu or 
other problems at all.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Gotstein [mailto:ch...@uplogon.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 1:36 PM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: Hardware for 50Mbs BGP feed.WAS Rate Limiting on Cisco Router

I think a 7200VXR with NPE-G1 that has 1Gb of ram would work just fine
for you.  We are running a very similar setup, passing about 70Mbs, full
BGP routes, 2 providers and ACLs, only seeing about 20% usage on the CPU
at peak times.

---- ---- ---- ----
Chris Gotstein, Network Engineer, U.P. Logon/Computer Connection U.P.
http://uplogon.com | +1 906 774 4847 | ch...@uplogon.com

On 7/9/2010 11:43 AM, Dylan Ebner wrote:
> Yesterday we took possession of a free 50Mb connection upgrade from one of 
> our ISPs. The previous connection was 30Mbps with a partial route table via 
> BGP. Other than BGP, the only other complex functions the router performs is 
> access listing the CRYMU Team Bogon table and traffic shaping. We terminate 
> this into a 2811 running 12.4 with 512MB of memory. When the Access lists 
> were applied we peaked the connection at 39Mbps and when the access list was 
> removed we peaked at 43.5Mbps. The CPU was pegged at 65% with the acl and 50% 
> without. Given the recent discussion about 80Mbps and a 7200, what would 
> members here recommend for a 50Mb connection that we expect to grow to 100Mb 
> in the next 18 months. We are also planning on adding netflow collection in 
> the next year as well.
> We were think of upgrading to a 3900 series, but it sounds like maybe we 
> should be thinking bigger?
> Also, how do members determine if their routers are overloaded. Besides 
> looking at memory and CPU usage are their other statistics they look at? Are 
> their third party tools that provide some insight into the routers condition?
> Dylan Ebner
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Bryant [mailto:a...@gtekcommunications.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:33 PM
> To: gordsla...@ieee.org
> Cc: Murphy, Jay, DOH; nanog@nanog.org
> Subject: Re: Rate Limiting on Cisco Router
> So you guys would not recommend the traffic shaping route on a 7206
> with a NPE-G1? Is it the processor or memory that would not be able to
> handle it?
> I don't necessarily plan on doing anything other than limiting it at
> 80Mbps or whatever it is that we are capping ourselves at at the time.
> On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 7:13 PM, gordon b slater <gordsla...@ieee.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 18:54 -0500, Jack Bates wrote:
>>> underpowered router or poor code
>> Agreed. So which is it?  :)
>> To be fair, some IOS versions were better than others at it in my
>> limited experience of that chassis.
>> Gord
>> --
>> I hold you XAP

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