Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
With a G1 you'll be able to shape just fine, even do fancy stuff like fair-queue within those 80 megs. I've done this on a NPE-300, but only egress, and as long as packet sizes were fairly large (normal TCP sessions with mostly 1500 byte packets + ACKs) it coped with 90 megs of traffic. So with the added power of G1 you should definitely try before ruling it out.
Definitely worth the try. Your biggest enemy may be 12.4 IOS. It's bloated and buggy in my experience, but that has mostly been edge services. If 12.4 pegs your processor, you may want to check the software/hardware matrix and see if one of the older 12.0/2 service provider trains that they continued to add support for (probably some large customer's special requests). I don't know if it will support the G1, but if so, you might have better performance out of it.
Shaping is so much better than the packet dropping that a rate limiter does.
Definitely. My favorite off the wall use of shaping was to smooth traffic flow on a Gig-e to reduce microbursts from overrunning the hardware rx on a 7513. :)