> -----Original Message----- > From: Roland Perry [mailto:li...@internetpolicyagency.com] > Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2010 12:11 PM > To: nanog@nanog.org > Subject: Re: Internet Kill Switch. > > In article > <aanlktimtdz5uo8v8obc7cxgmnodahqzjahqbetmuw...@mail.gmail.com>, Matthew > Petach <mpet...@netflight.com> writes > >After all with a world population of 7 billion, you certainly can't > >have "Internet [...] for everyone" with only 4 billion IP addresses, > >unless you put a *lot* of NAT in place. > > What's the average household size, especially in developing countries. > And does "everyone" have access, if their home does? > -- > Roland Perry
[Tomas L. Byrnes] The issue is more that everyone who DOES have access has more than one device, and that many of those devices move around. I won't get into the "NAT breaks the Internet" war, but it certainly does limit the type of applications you can run, or at the very least makes network provisioning, operations and maintenance much more complex than a non-natted network.