On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:16 PM, Tom Wright <twri...@internode.com.au> wrote:
> What ever happened to this?
> http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3271.txt
> -- Tom

Unfortunately, I think Vint was a little optimistic there, and failed
to guess at the impact the financial collapse was going to have
on our rate of innovation and progress:

   "By 2008 we should have a well-functioning
   Earth-Mars network that serves as a nascent backbone of an inter-
   planetary system of Internets - InterPlaNet is a network of

He also seemed to miss one of the really, REALLY important points;
if "Internet is for everyone" were really true, then IPv6 adoption should
have been one of his driving points.  After all with a world population of
7 billion, you certainly can't have "Internet [...] for everyone" with only
4 billion IP addresses, unless you put a *lot* of NAT in place.

But on the whole, other than being a bit dated at this point, it's
still an inspiring read.


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