For business purposes such as fixed wireless access for small branch offices, it would seem that Wi-Max is superior to current GSM and CDMA proprietary networks in that the upload/download speeds are symmetric. It appears that GSM and CDMA networks are based on the asymmetric low upload bandwidth/high download bandwidth model, thus placing severe restrictions on business use for fixed locations.
-----Original Message----- From: Seth Mattinen [] Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:35 PM To: nanOG list Subject: Future of WiMax A while back I remember reading a comment here that "WiMax is not a future proof technology" and that several manufacturers have dropped it or something to that effect. I think it was in the starting a WiMax ISP thread. This has stuck in my head, and I was curious if there was any truth to this. WiMax sounds promising, but I certainly don't hear a lot about it other than Sprint/Clear. Is it just that everyone that's doing wireless is sticking with relatively inexpensive 802.11 a/b/g/n products, or is WiMax really a dead end? ~Seth