The future of WiMAX seems a lot less promising now that FD-LTE is the
clear winner for wide-scale mobile deployment, and TD-LTE, 802.11n and
proprietary technologies will compete for non-paired spectrum and/or
niche markets.

But one can build a network with WiMAX and make money out of it;
global market forces have established the big picture, not what would
happen on a specific scenario.


On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Seth Mattinen <> wrote:
> A while back I remember reading a comment here that "WiMax is not a
> future proof technology" and that several manufacturers have dropped it
> or something to that effect. I think it was in the starting a WiMax ISP
> thread. This has stuck in my head, and I was curious if there was any
> truth to this.
> WiMax sounds promising, but I certainly don't hear a lot about it other
> than Sprint/Clear. Is it just that everyone that's doing wireless is
> sticking with relatively inexpensive 802.11 a/b/g/n products, or is
> WiMax really a dead end?
> ~Seth

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