He has since reversed that stance and they are working on IPV6 support, at least that is what I read somewhere. I don¹t blame the guy really. If people want a feature they should pony up a little money. Otherwise it is free software with no implied support. -- Justin Wilson <j...@mtin.net> http://www.mtin.net/blog Wisp Consulting Tower Climbing Network Support
From: Seth Mattinen <se...@rollernet.us> Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 09:07:23 -0700 To: <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: IP Address Management Tool On 6/1/10 6:07 AM, D C wrote: > I am looking for a better way to manage IP addresses. I am currently using > an excel spreadsheet, but this is becoming cumbersome as more and more > addresses are being added. Does anyone have any recommendations? > I used to use IPplan, but the author was dead set against IPv6 support: "One feature request that comes up from time to time is IPv6. Adding IPv6 support will require major effort but has such a limited audience. Ironically the only people that ever requested IPv6 support are either from Telcos, ISP's or government departments, yet they are never interested in contributing resources! I deam them parasites of the Open Source world - leaching off the good will and effort of the Open Source community, yet give nothing in return." This has since been removed from the site, but it gave me a good idea about how the author felt about IPv6 so I stopped using it. I ended up moving to HaCi and it's suited my needs. ~Seth