GBLX was great with native IPv6 setup.
VZB was nearly impossible to get them to set it up, and I'm tunneled to
a router halfway across the country. The router I was going to had
serious PMTU issues that they recently cleared up, so now it's working
Brielle Bruns wrote:
(Sent from my Blackberry, please avoid the flames as I can't do inline quoting)
Native IPv6 is a crapshoot. About the only people in the US that I've seen
that are no-bullshit IPv6 native ready is Hurricane Electric. NTT is
supposedly as well but I can't speak as to where they have connectivity.
Being that there's issues that leave us unable to get native connectivity, we
have a BGP tunnel thanks to HE (with a 20ms latency from Seattle to Freemont).
Tunnels suck if not done correctly. We sometimes have faster and more reliable
connections through IPv6, so ymmv.
------Original Message------
From: Jared Mauch
To: Jack Carrozzo
Subject: Re: ipv6 transit over tunneled connection
Sent: May 14, 2010 12:49 PM
I'm curious what providers have not gotten their IPv6 plans/networks/customer
ports enabled.
I know that Comcast is doing their trials now (Thanks John!) and will be
presenting at the upcoming NANOG about their experiences.
What parts of the big "I" Internet are not enabled or ready?
- Jared
On May 14, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Jack Carrozzo wrote:
I agree - if you can get native v6 transit then more power to you. But
tunnels are sure better than no IPv6 connectivity in my mind. Aside from
slight performance/efficiency issues, I've never had an issue.
-Jack Carrozzo